Friday, November 12, 2010

Tips to use abortion pill

you are take the Mifeprex (mifepristone) pill with water or other liquid. Eat and drink normally so you do not get dehydrated. You may have some symptoms like headache, nausea, dizziness, or more likely, some cramps or a little bleeding. Most women do not have these symptoms, At pregstop we have a 24 hour abortion aftercare helpline which offers support and advice to women after the abortion pill. Cramping can start in an hour or longer. You may want to take some pain medication at the same time you take the misoprostol. Bleeding can start as soon as the first hour. After the bleeding starts it may be heavy for 3-4 hours. Most women will pass the pregnancy during this time, although sometimes it will take longer. Clots can get very big, as large as a golf ball, or even a tennis ball size. Bleeding may also be heavy: using the full-size maxi-pads please call us if you saturate two pads an hour for two hours.
A complete abortion means that the body has expelled all the products of pregnancy (blood, tissue, embryo) and there is no need for surgery (vacuum aspiration) afterwards. Most women know when the abortion is complete. But the only way to make sure that you've had a complete abortion is to have an ultrasound 10 days after using the medicines. You should not have extreme pain, prolonged heavy bleeding, or fever. You will bleed for 1 to 3 weeks.

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